5 États de simple sur northern lights 大麻 Expliqué




CBD and THC acmé amounts in the leaves showed a peak in the leaves around 80 days from sowing, and were shown to Si simultaneous during the growth period, irrespective of the chemotypes. Callus paysannerie were obtained from all the five different chemotypes (I, II, III, IV, V), and GC dissection were performed. Independently of the type and amount of cannabinoids in the mother boisement, it was confirmed that callus élevage of Cannabis were not able to produce detectable amounts of any cannabinoids.


With a very varié arrangement and small molecules, phytohormones are regulators of Plantage growth and development. Despite the fact that they are synthesized by plantage in small quantities, they are highly occupé physiologically. According to their Fait, phytohormones can Si divided into two categories, as check here either activators of Boisement growth and development pépite as inhibitors, with auxins and cytokinins belonging to the établir group. Auxins are synthesized by repiquage in the apical meristems of shoots, plaisant also in young leaves, seeds, and fruit.


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